Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm So in the Bubble

Like the best manipulative, mainstream power ballads of your youth, Chemistry of a Car Crash by Shiny Toy Guns (from the solid We Are Pilots) is one of those songs you want to sing along to earnestly and passionately. It hits you in a place that makes you feel oblivious to your surroundings and impervious to the snickering of those in the silence outside your song bubble. Let's call it The Emoteeng Spot (a buried X of adolescent fervour that surfaces timelessly for a worthy few).

I wouldn't have guessed that quieter, reflective songs on The New Pornographers most recent album Challengers would be just as addictive as their high-energy, infectious concoctions, but they are. After initial listnenings, Adventures in Solitude, an end of the summer-sounding lament, and poignant Challengers are my most recommended songs, but the archetypal My Rights Versus Yours is a gem too.

Montreal's Plants and Animals are getting all sorts of buzz these days. Their somewhat unfortunately titled, Bye Bye Bye, is in high rotation around here right now. As is No One thanks to G. Since I often arrive at Top 40 parties during the kick out and clean up portion, I might be the only person left who hasn't heard Alicia Keys' song ad nauseam. At this point surgical removal seems the only option to get it off the brain. Willpower certainly isn't going to help.

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