Saturday, February 16, 2008

Customers Who Bought X Will Never Buy Y

When you read a great book you often want to read something similar, hoping it will be equally great. It's easy enough to find books by the same author, books on the same subject or visit a bookseller's website and see what customers who bought your great book also bought. But how do you know what to avoid entirely?

Library Thing aims to help you in your quest to never read something you'd hate with its UnSuggester tool. Type in a title you like, get a list of titles you won't like in return. The few titles I typed in unsuggested a load of theological books (one was called Jesus Freaks), so either it's not using a finely-tuned algorithm and is returning the same results commonly, or it thinks I'm an anti-Conservative heathen. Could be a bit of both.

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