Thursday, January 17, 2008

Local Boy Makes Good

If confronted with one of those theoretical doomsday scenarios that force you into making black and white decisions (e.g. you can only listen to one artist's music for the rest of your life, go!), Ron Hawkins is my undisputed choice.

Reasons to listen to RH are innumerable. A few: his voice is genetically designed for ear-pleasing singing; his lyrics, instead of relying on the generic, are peppered with unique descriptions and images and diverse geographical, historical, political, local references that actually make you want to do a little research; he writes brilliantly about the songwriter touchstones of love and loss too, he plays small venues at amazing prices considering the insane quality of his musical catalogue.

In whatever permutation Ron's singing in (solo, with Lowest of the Low, with The Rusty Nails), it's always worth the time. Since he's promoting his new disc, Chemical Sounds, on Saturday evening, the folks at NOW are sniffing around. Standout track on the new disc - Peace and Quiet. "We cursed a dishrag sky. We vowed to change the weather."

A sampler:

Bite Down Hard
Small Victories
St. Valentine's Day Massacre

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